Social Issues

The White House is pushing a message of religious tolerance ahead of this week's congressional hearing on Islamic radicalism, which has sparked protests on grounds it unfairly singles out Muslims as potential terrorists.
About 700 people rallied Sunday in support of Republican Gov. Scott Walker and his anti-union plan to balance the budget - a demonstration meant to counter three weeks of large anti-Walker protests in and around the state Capitol.
If Americans remain in the workforce longer, some experts say, the whole economy could get a boost. But others disagree. They say the fast-moving 21st century economy doesn't need older workers as much as it needs young workers with the latest job skills.
State of Siege: Mississippi whites and the Civil Rights movement
During the civil rights movement, states across the American South were shaken by violence as African Americans struggled for equal rights. But no state was more violent, or more resistant to integration than Mississippi. Midday presents a new documentary from American RadioWorks, "State of Siege" explores the extraordinary tactics white Mississippians used to block integration with blacks.
Parenting the tiger mom way
Amy Chua's new memoir, in which she describes and defends the tactics of the "Chinese mother", has earned her both plaudits and death threats. She joins Midmorning to explain the meaning of being a tiger mom, and what she's learned from the backlash.
1st Amendment protects military funeral protesters
The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount anti-gay protests outside military funerals, despite the pain they cause grieving families.