Social Issues

High school lesbian urges bullies to let them 'participate like everybody else'
Champlin Park High School senior Desiree Shelton has seening bullying first-hand after she and her girlfriend sued her high school for the right to participate in a winter dance event.
Forum focuses on bullying in Minnesota school districts
Midday presents a forum on bullying in Minnesota schools including students, parents, teachers, and a panel of experts held last night at the UBS forum. The forum tops off a special series of reports on bullying from Minnesota Public Radio News.
Obama puts immigration in Congress' court
With a re-election campaign looming, President Barack Obama is pushing Congress to overhaul the immigration system, but lawmakers seems to have little appetite to take on the issue.
Mayo doctor helped spearhead name change for disorder with Nazi namesake
A Mayo Clinic doctor has convinced three medical organizations to rename a rare vascular disorder because its namesake, celebrated German pathologist Dr. Friedrich Wegener, was a Nazi Party member who belonged to a paramilitary organization.
Papers shed light on FBI's anti-war activist probe
Documents federal agents left behind during a September raid of an anti-war activist's home shed some light on the evolution of an investigation into apparent connections between local activists and radical groups in Colombia and the Middle East.
Is it time for America to close its borders?
Midday presents a debate from NPR's Intelligence Squared series. Debaters argue for and against the proposal, "Don't give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses."