MPR News with Tom Weber

Tom Weber, a reporter and host at MPR News for a decade, resigned effective June 22, 2018. You can find his work covering the people and places of Minnesota here.

Quiz: Could you pass the U.S. citizenship test?
In honor of Independence Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, let's take a hard look at how much we know -- or don't know -- about our government and U.S. history.
The civil war in Syria started in 2011. Six years later, it's still ongoing. MPR News host Tom Weber talked to three experts about the complexities of the conflict in Syria.
The last week in Lowry Grove: Another mobile home park shutters
Residents first learned it would close last April. The mobile home park, which once held more than 90 households, has gradually emptied over the last year. The new owner plans to demolish the park and build roughly 800 new units.
When it comes to recycling, you're (probably) doing it wrong
Too many people are "wish-cycling" -- throwing things into bins that aren't actually recyclable in the hopes that they can somehow be recycled. Newsflash: They can't, so please stop.