MPR News Update

Good afternoon! For all of the fascinating opinions from the Minnesota Supreme Court in recent years on the question of whether warrants are needed to test drivers for DUI, the Wisconsin Supreme Court one-upped them all with a ruling today on whether a warrant is needed to draw blood from someone who is unconscious, writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. | Forecast
Good afternoon! While it might not be a Scooby-Doo, pull off the mask, mystery solved moment, hydrologists now think they've answered the burning question surrounding Devil's Kettle Falls. If you aren't familiar, the water on the west side falls into a hole in the rock and vanishes. So, where does the water go? | Forecast
Good morning! Cloudy, with snow likely in west-central and northeastern Minnesota. Highs in the lower 30s north to mid-40s south. To infinity ... and beyond! Well, at least to the moon and beyond. SpaceX has announced that it plans to send two passengers on a mission beyond the moon in late 2018 | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! It's been a good year for Minnesota moose. Conservation officials say that after years of deep and worrisome declines, moose population is showing signs of stabilizing - but that doesn't mean the creatures are out of the woods yet. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Many Minnesota residents weren't hit by a winter storm that had been predicted since earlier this week. Southern Minnesota still saw plenty of snow, but if you were one of those people who were looking forward to snowfall, and didn't get it, meteorologist Mark Seeley shared why forecasters got it wrong. | Forecast
Good morning! If you have to travel this morning, be careful. Snow-covered and slick roads continue to make for a hazardous morning commute in many areas of southern Minnesota. If the crummy weather has you down, here's a story to warm you up. The Minnesota Senate dropped what it was doing this week to pass a resolution honoring Bones. Otherwise known as Mark Hartzell - Bones is a homeless man on Rice Street in St. Paul who picks up the litter, sweeps sidewalks and looks out for people and pets and the neighborhood looks out for him, too. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good afternoon! A winter storm is still on track to hit Minnesota tonight, though it has shifted southward. Meaning southern Minnesotans may be in for a messy commute tomorrow morning. You can find live weather updates here. In "fake news": A basic crime brief out of Rochester, Minn. was contorted recently into viral anti-immigrant propaganda for white nationalist and extremist websites. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good morning! Partly to mostly cloudy, with patchy fog early. Highs in the lower 40s north to mid-50s and lower 60s south. A winter storm watch is in effect for southern Minnesota Thursday night through Friday. We certainly hope you haven't put away the shovels yet. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! Astronomers made a far out discovery recently in the form of 7 Earth-sized planets orbiting around a small, relatively close star. The discovery sets a record for both the most Earth-sized planets and the most potentially habitable planets ever discovered around a single star. | Science | Forecast
Good afternoon! Hundreds of students in Osakis, Minn. signed a petition objecting to a plan requiring girls to submit photos of their dresses to be approved for prom. School officials now say they're simply suggesting girls submit a photo of their prom dresses in advance, and that it's not a requirement. In other dress code news, in Pelham, N.H., a young man with autism, Max Bedard, was denied entry to the school's semi-formal dance because he wore a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Students have rallied around him. On Monday they wore sweatshirts to school, declaring it "#MaxItMonday". | NewsCut | Forecast