MPR News Update

MPR News Update, PM Edition for March 1, 2017

Good afternoon! For all of the fascinating opinions from the Minnesota Supreme Court in recent years on the question of whether warrants are needed to test drivers for DUI, the Wisconsin Supreme Court one-upped them all with a ruling today on whether a warrant is needed to draw blood from someone who is unconscious, writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. | Forecast

Fact check: Trump jumps the gun on NATO, jobs claims White House says Conway acted 'inadvertently' when she plugged Ivanka's products 50 nations seek to counter U.S. ban on family planning funds Arkansas weighs whether to remove the Clinton name from Little Rock's airport Just what IS a charter school, anyway? So presidential: Alec Baldwin working on Trump satire Agency delays plan for keeping Asian carp from Great Lakes Sorry, salad lovers: We may have no mesclun mix (for two weeks) Just how much pee is in that pool?