MPR News Update

Good morning! Mostly sunny north, mostly cloudy south with showers likely. Highs in the mid-50s to 60s. It's looking like a rainy weekend in the Twin Cities. Good weather to stay inside and hammer out a budget deal, no? Deep differences over taxes and spending and the sheer logistics of passing budget bills are threatening to send the legislative session into overtime. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! Seidu Mohammed gave up a lot when he journeyed to what he'd hoped would be the freedom he saw across the border in Canada on Christmas eve. He lost all of his fingers and parts of both ears to frostbite. However, Mohammed now has his freedom. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good afternoon. Over the objections of one justice, the Minnesota Supreme Court Wednesday upheld the life sentences given to the killer of three people at the Seward Market and Halal Meat on East Franklin Ave., in Minneapolis in 2010. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good morning! Cloudy, with showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the mid-50s to 60s north, lower 70s south. We're not exactly ESPN here at MPR but this sports controversy is worth talking about. As NewsCut blogger Bob Collins notes: "It's difficult to imagine a more obvious slight than the one the NCAA tossed on the University of Minnesota women's softball team, which went 16-3 against other teams invited to the NCAA tournament, won 25 in a row, and finished the season 54-3. For all of that, the tournament committee sent the Gophers in unseeded." | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon. A judge has made several decisions on what will and won't be allowed during the trial for Jeronimo Yanez, the police officer who killed Philando Castile last summer. Yanez won't be allowed to re-enact what happened the night he shot Castile, nor will jurors be allowed to see in person Castile's car in which he was shot. | Full story
Good morning! Partly sunny with a chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon in southern Minnesota. Highs in the mid-60s north, mid-70s south. Now that we're in the season of graduations and college acceptance letters, can you remember what you wrote in your college essay? It probably wasn't as good as what Jonathan Abably of Blaine wrote. His essay on work, money, and class was good enough to get printed in the weekend New York Times. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
This afternoon, the travel ban is back in the headlines as federal judges peppered a lawyer for President Trump with questions about whether the ban discriminates against Muslims. The questions also focused on the president's campaign statements. Watch or read a recap of the hearings here. And in Minnesota, the storms have started. | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon. In a tweetstorm this morning, the president issued an apparent warning to James Comey, the former FBI director he fired earlier this week. Trump wrote that Comey should hope there are no "tapes" of their talks. That follows a New York Times report that Trump pressed Comey for a pledge of loyalty during dinner in January. Comey declined.
Good afternoon! Mother's Day is this Sunday, (don't forget), and Alyson Gounden Rock, a research fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School, and a 40-something mom back in the workplace is ready to provide some motherly advice to working moms about to celebrate for the first time. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good afternoon! This week, APM Reports' Curtis Gilbert unveiled a piece of work looking at the lack of training police officers are provided on how not to kill. The case of Stephen Mader was not included. Mader was a cop, now out of a job because he refused to kill a man. | NewsCut | Forecast