MPR News Update

Good afternoon! The drama surrounding the original cheese curd stand at the Minnesota State Fair continues. Tom Mueller, the son of the owners, says he heard from a lot of people after his open letter to the fair was circulated. But he said today he never got a response from the state fair. Now, Muller's attorney has sent another letter, this one threatening a lawsuit. | NewsCut | Forecast
Good morning! Partly sunny with highs in the mid-60s and 70s south, mid-50s north. Is this going to be cool or what? U.S. Bank Stadium and downtown Minneapolis will be the center of the action when Super Bowl 52 hits Minnesota next February. But St. Paul leaders hope to lure some visitors across the Mississippi River with a majestic undertaking of their own: an ice castle on the grounds of the state newly renovated Capitol. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon. There's more grim news about inequality in America. Geographic inequality in lifespan is growing in the United States, with people in some counties living more than 20 years longer than those in others. | Forecast
Good afternoon! In 34 states, including Minnesota, training decisions are left to local agencies. Most, though, conduct no, or very little, de-escalation training. APM Reports investigated the effect this kind of training - or rather a lack of this kind of training - can have on interactions between police and civilians. | Listen to the story Sunday at 5 p.m. on Reveal | Forecast
Good morning! Sunny, with highs in the 70s, except in the lower 60s near Lake Superior. Yesterday was Star Wars Day and like the force, there is a dark side to the unofficial holiday. Police in Ashwaubenon, Wis., say a student went to school dressed as a storm trooper. One parent saw the student going through a back door wearing body armor and a mask, and carrying a bag. The police were called and the school evacuated. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog
Good afternoon! Two dogs have been added to a K-9 unit dedicated to sniffing out zebra mussels. The dogs' olfactory skills can find the invasive species in places human inspectors might miss. They're also helpful when educating people about how to prevent the spread of invasive species. "One of the really good aspects of the canine program is you can reach people of all ages. Everybody loves a dog," said K-9 unit coordinator Jason Beckmann. | Forecast
Good afternoon! Move over Honeycrisp, there's a new apple in town. It's called Cosmic Crisp, and farmers in Washington state are planting these trees by the millions. They're making a risky bet that consumers will like it. | Forecast
Good morning! Partly sunny with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the mid-60s. It was a plan that was too "gouda" to fail. Sorry, we had to. The Wisconsin Legislature agreed Tuesday to make cheese the official dairy product of the dairy-obsessed state, which produces more than 3 billion pounds of cheese per year. That's more than any other U.S. state. | Forecast |
Good afternoon! Dogs do not have long lives, but they work their way into our hearts at lightspeed. TaterTot, the pitbull who became famous for saving a Minnesota woman's son, was euthanized yesterday. There's no better example of our humanity than the fact we don't let our dogs suffer, writes MPR News blogger Bob Collins. NewsCut | Forecast
Good afternoon! Dog owners beware, Minnesota is seeing a rising number of cases of canine distemper contracted by dogs and spread by raccoons, state conservation officials said Monday. People should stay away from sick raccoons and dead wildlife should be left alone, officials said. | Forecast