Morning Edition: Parting Thoughts

Through conversations with family members and close friends, Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer remembers the lives of Minnesotans who have touched their communities in ways big and small. | Parting Thoughts: Remembering lives lost to COVID-19

Parting thoughts: A boundless enthusiasm for students
Dr. Olaf Millert came to the United States after fleeing his native Estonia during the Soviet occupation following World War II. After studying in South Dakota, he went to found the psychology department at St. Olaf College.
Parting thoughts: Be kind to all that live
Despite being forced into an internment camp during World War II, Helen Tsuchiya never harbored anger or ill-will. Instead, she practiced understanding and compassion.
Parting thoughts: Fine-tuned to the little things in life
Amy Tobin's musical career took her to Miami and Jamaica, where she played reggae with the likes of Ziggy Marley. She served as concertmaster of the St. Paul Civic Symphony from 2008 until her death in January.
Parting thoughts: Let the good times roll
Diane Witherspoon of Minneapolis passed away last month after a long career as a jazz singer. She was first inspired by her sister, Shirley Witherspoon, a renowned jazz musician who sang with the likes of Duke Ellington.
Parting thoughts: From a flat tire in a snowstorm, a love story for a lifetime
Terry Berg is remembered for her incredible energy and warmth, and for her long career helping young people with special needs. She passed away earlier this month after fighting breast cancer for 24 years.