Parting thoughts: A boundless enthusiasm for students

Olaf Millert is greetedby Leo Parts
This photo was taken on Oct. 15, 1949, in Sioux Falls, S.D., when Olaf Millert, left, arrived from Germany. He was met by an Estonian student named Leo Parts.
Courtesy of Miriam Lagus

Dr. Olaf Millert came to the United States after fleeing his native Estonia during the Soviet occupation following World War II. After studying in South Dakota, he would go on to found the psychology department at St. Olaf College.

Millert passed away Feb. 15 at the age of 92. Millert is remembered for his wisdom, optimism, and ability to nurture lasting relationships.

His great-nephew Mark Lagus spoke with MPR News host Cathy Wurzer about Millert's life and work.

Click on the audio above to hear Millert's story.