Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Retired University of Minnesota climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley participated in the state drought task force meeting earlier this week. He told MPR News host Cathy Wurzer that based on current models, he’s expecting the drought to persist at least through October.
The unusual heat experienced at the beginning of this month will likely be the norm for the coming weeks says retired University of Minnesota climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley. He advised listeners to break out their summer clothes as well as water their gardens for the days ahead. MPR News host Cathy Wurzer talked with Mark Seeley about the hot and dry June in their weekly weather chat. Click on the audio player above to hear their conversation.
According to retired University of Minnesota climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley, most areas of the state are reporting an average monthly temperature that’s about normal for May.
Retired University of Minnesota climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley found that a third of days in March saw wind gusts over 35 mph, and nearly half the days in April did, too. So far, May has been somewhat quieter.
April was nothing short of a weather rollercoaster in Minnesota, bringing temperatures that ranged from the upper 80s in some areas to zero degrees in others.
April has brought a wide range of temperatures to Minnesota this year — stretching from the 80s early in the month to record lows in some areas this week.
Dozens of daily high temperature records were broken around the state on April 5, with more than 60 climate stations reporting temperatures of 80 degrees or above. That record heat was quickly followed by much-needed spring rain.