Kerri Miller Brief

MPR News Host Kerri Miller spoke with two guests about President Obama's immigration legacy and the politics of deportation.
Super Tuesday results are in. MPR News Host Kerri Miller spoke with two political scientists about the strong victories for Trump and Clinton, how the 1,500 delegates will be divided and the narrowing paths forward for their opponents
Roaming and Reading: Finally seeing Cuba
If President Obama wanted to understand the culture and history of Cuba when he visits later this month, where should he go?
MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with two guests about dissecting the coded language used by candidates.
In a recent Washington Post commentary about nominating a new Supreme Court justice, Benjamin Wittes writes: "the only rule that governs the confirmation process is the law of the jungle: There are no rules."
Political analyst Ken Rudin talked to MPR host Kerri Miller about why black voters lean towards Hilary Clinton and why Donald Trump is pulling away from the Republican pack.
Women in America earn only 78 percent of that what their male counterparts make, according to government data. The pay divide is even deeper for women of color. MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with two guests about why the wage gap persists and what is being done to reduce it.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are in a heated contest for votes ahead of the Nevada caucuses and South Carolina Primary. MPR News Senior Producer Steph Curtis spoke with two writers about the road that led both presidential hopefuls to the campaign trail.