Daily Circuit Blog

The social media plan

When we conceived The Daily Circuit, we wanted our audience to be an essential part of the conversation. (Kerri says my phrasing sounds like a PR line, but I don't know how else to say it; it's true.)

Our phone lines -- social media before social media was cool -- will remain open. There's nothing like the actual voice of a listener. But for those of you who don't want to wait in queue -- or can't stand the sound of your own voice -- we've multiplied the number of ways ways you can speak up.

You'll be able to find us on the MPR News Facebook page, follow Kerri, Tom and me on Twitter, join in regular live online chats, and contribute to this blog. We want you to use the show whenever and however you want. The conversation doesn't end when the phone lines close. What you tell us on social media will help shape what you hear on the air.

For now, keep checking in on the blog and follow the hashtag #DailyCircuit on Twitter.

Some of our conversations during the first week of the show:

-Is America in decline?

-What is the strangest, least appetizing food you have encountered on a plate?

-Can you explain light's wave-particle duality?*

-How has the employment outlook affected your personal outlook?

You can even start answering those questions right now. Post a comment below.

-Stephanie Curtis, social media host

*Okay, some questions are best left to guests who happen to be particle physicists.