Daily Circuit Blog

The Daily Circuit talked yesterday about the bond between humans and animals. Listeners called in with their pet stories and tweeted photos of their furry companions. Kerri also talked about her lovely dog, Dara. Below are some photos listeners shared with us. Thank you. These look like mighty fine friends. @KerriMPR This is Otis; Mastiff/Great Dane…
“Some of my best encounters with our children are the ones they don’t know about,” writes Slate’s chief political correspondent John Dickerson on watching his children grow and change after going away to camp. Comparing his children’s experience to his own memories, Dickerson observes that he can take a look into their lives and behavior…
Detroit native Ron Fournier reflects on his hometown’s bankruptcy in a piece for National Journal: “I love my hometown. And I hate what Detroit’s demise might bode for our country.” He goes on to cite inequality, poor leadership and inefficiencies as not just Detroit’s problems, but ones that belong to the country too: Wrenching economic…
"If anyone wonders why African Americans feel so passionately about this case, it’s because we know that our 17-year-old sons are boys, not men. It’s because we know their adolescent bravura is just that — an imitation of manhood, not the real thing."
"I think that, with the Supreme Court most recent ruling on gay marriage, that one chapter of the civil rights movement that we think of when we think of the 1950s and 60s is over."
"For same-sex couples raising their own children, a breakup with one’s partner may mean a breakup with one’s children. Without second-parent adoption rights or the parental presumptions that spring from marriage, the nonbiological parent may find herself a legal stranger to her own children."