Daily Circuit Blog

4 great books about Minnesota history
At the State Fair today, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak recommended four books about Minnesota history: “A Love Affair with Birds,” a biography of Thomas Sadler Roberts, an ornithologist who also served as a director of the Bell Museum. “The Assassination of Hole in the Day” is a biography from the Minnesota Historical Society about the Read more →
Hear the sounds of silence from Gordon Hempton
Acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton is on a mission to save the sounds of silence. Hempton joins The Daily Circuit today to discuss what we’re missing in our noisy world. He’s shared some of his recordings with us. Give a listen.
"Walmart and Target earn between three and four cents on the dollar; a typical McDonald’s franchise restaurant earns around six cents on the dollar before taxes, according to an analysis from Janney Capital Markets."
"The Troubled Asset Relief Program, which played a vital role in restoring confidence and stability to the financial system, was passed only because the House's rejection of it on Sept. 28, 2008, set off a 778-point plummet in the Dow. That scared the House into reversing itself."
See the animals captured in Snapshot Serengeti’s camera traps
“A handful of photos is an anecdote. Millions of photographs put together tells a story. And a story that carries statistical significance as well.” Ali Swanson is a researcher at  University of Minnesota’s College of Biological Sciences. She’s captured millions of photos over the past few years through camera traps in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. These…
“Twin Cities, we have a problem!” writes Jay Walljasper in the first of two MinnPost articles suggesting that the Minneapolis-St. Paul area has an identity crisis. Walljasper says that people do not think of Minneapolis-St. Paul as a fun, viable place to live, even though it tops some quality-of-life lists and is home to many Fortune…