MPR News with Angela Davis

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MPR News with Angela Davis
MPR News

Conversations about life in Minnesota and how the state is changing, weekdays at 9 a.m. Call us at 651-227-6000.

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Power Pairs: Listen to a new series featuring prominent Minnesotans in a close relationship. Maybe they're siblings, a married couple or best friends. You may know of them separately but they reveal a whole new side of themselves when Angela Davis sits them down together. Listen to the interviews here.

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Early Risers: Waking up to racial equity in early childhood
In this one-hour special from the team behind Early Risers, host Dianne Haulcy gives listeners practical tips and insights from a variety of early childhood experts about how to talk with very young children about race and racism.
Breastfeeding isn’t easy. How can lactation support help?
The baby formula shortage has put many parents in dire situations. And breastfeeding isn’t the easy answer some may think. MPR News host Angela Davis talks about the race and class disparities in who breastfeeds, and efforts to close that gap.
Coping with prolonged grief over George Floyd, mass shootings and the pandemic 
Wednesday marks two years since George Floyd was murdered. And, now we’re mourning yet another mass shooting in a Texas school. MPR News Host Angela Davis talks with two therapists about prolonged grief and how we can cope with waves of loss and trauma.
Minnesotans respond to  the rise in anti-LGBTQ legislation
MPR News host Angela Davis talks about how proposed anti-LGBTQ bills across the country affect youth locally, and how Minnesotans are responding. She talks with a transgender youth advocate and their mother about advocating for a safe, inclusive space in school. And she talks with a health care leader about how anti-LGBTQ hate affects children’s health.
The college decision and why fewer Minnesota students are enrolling
May is traditionally the month when many high school seniors make their final decisions about where they’ll go to college. But fewer of them are enrolling. Angela Davis asks a school counselor and college admissions director why.
How the labor shortage is affecting seasonal work and teen summer jobs
It’s a great time to look for a summer job. MPR News host Angela Davis talks about businesses scrambling for seasonal workers and how teenagers are finding more work in the tight labor market.