MPR News with Angela Davis

Minnesotans respond to the rise in anti-LGBTQ legislation

Flags waving at New Ulm rally
The LGBTQ+ community in New Ulm and allies stood on the sides of Center Street and S. Broadway Street during a rally organized by One New Ulm on March 19.
Hannah Yang | MPR News

In 2022, state lawmakers across the country have introduced an unprecedented number of bills that target the rights of LGBTQ children and their families. And regardless of whether the bills pass, they can take a toll on LGBTQ youth mental health. A survey by the Trevor Project found that 85 percent of trans and non-binary youth reported that news of anti-trans legislation has negatively affected their mental health.

MPR News host Angela Davis talks about how the surge in anti-LGBTQ bills affects young people locally, and how Minnesotans are responding. She talks with a transgender youth advocate and their mother about advocating for a safe, inclusive space in school. And she talks with a healthcare leader about how anti-LGBTQ hate affects children’s health. 


Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd is the chief education officer and chief of staff for Children’s Minnesota, the medical director of Children’s Minnesota Gender Health Program and a pediatrician in the Children’s Minneapolis Primary Care clinic.

Christy Hall is Senior Staff Attorney at Gender Justice, where she represents clients challenging gender discrimination.

Hildie Edwards is an advocate for transgender youth. 

Hannah Edwards is Hilde’s mother and an advocate for transgender youth.