
The next steps in the bridge investigation
A former National Safety Transportation Board official and a structural engineer join Midmorning to talk about the investigation process into the bridge collapse, and what's been learned from past bridge failures.
The dilemma of being gifted
Child prodigies have an amazing ability to master tasks that elude many adults. Midmorning takes a closer look at the mysteries and dilemmas that come with the talent of child prodigies.
Good blog, bad blog
One digital media critic claims that user-generated content from bloggers and citizen media is bad for our culture.
The meaning of courage
Midmorning examines a concept that puzzled ancient Greek philosophers: defining the meaning of courage.
An appreciation for pathogens
One biologist thinks some parasites, bacteria, and bugs deserve more respect despite their bad reputation.
Designer babies
Genetic testing is creating controversy for couples using in vitro fertilization. Some parents argue for the right to deliberately select an embryo with a trait like deafness or dwarfism.
The Friday Follow: Electronic waste
We dispose of millions of pounds of televisions alone in Minnesota. But a state law that recently went into effect may streamline disposal of electronic waste.
Putting the popular in popular science
Reporting the facts of scientific phenomena is getting more complicated for journalists as they navigate politics and popular opinion.
Proposed Range steel plant is $30 million short
This could be the make-or-break year for a massive $1.6 billion Iron Range steel project. But the project is $30 million short -- money promised by the state, then lost to the veto of a supplemental bonding bill.