
Does the medical device industry have enough regulation?
Minnesota is a hub for medical device companies. Do those companies benefit from a lack of industry oversight? A new book looks at the dark side of medical devices.
Good news, everyone creeped out by Alexa's random laughing. A fix is on the way
After social media lit up with tales of creepy laughter, we now know why: The Echo's virtual assistant has been spontaneously laughing at its users. Now, the company says it is working on the issue.
Renewables now the number two source of power generation in Minnesota
Coal made up 39 percent of the energy Minnesota generated inside its borders in 2017. And while nuclear capacity is static, new wind and solar capacity added every year resulted in 25 percent of energy generated within the state.
Will we soon be seeing the end of gasoline cars?
Experts from the oil, electric and auto industries explore the future of the internal combustion engine, and the prospects for renewable fuels, new technologies, and robotic and electric cars.
Science provides few facts on effects of gun policies, report finds
A review by the RAND Corporation finds little evidence as to whether many popular gun control policies do or don't affect gun violence. In many cases, solid studies just haven't been done.
The curl in curling is a physics mystery
When you're watching Olympic curling, have you ever asked, "why does the stone curl on the ice?" Scientists aren't exactly sure, but they have some theories.