2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

K-12 funding overhaul bill clears Minn. Senate
Backers say the bill aims at Minnesota's racial achievement gap by eliminating racial integration aid to several large districts in favor of incentives for districts that improve student literacy.
An update on the 2011 legislative session
MPR political editor Mike Mulcahy and State Capitol reporter Tim Pugmire answer questions about the major bills being passed by the new GOP majority, and the competing plans from the new DFL Gov. Mark Dayton.
Minn. session: What's done, what's not
Minnesota lawmakers are past the halfway point of their 2011 session, and much work remains. Most critically, Gov. Mark Dayton and Republicans who control the Legislature are still far apart on how to eliminate a projected $5 billion shortfall for the next two years.
Republicans say they are building a budget "based on what is in Minnesota's checking account," but they are using special revenue accounts and dedicated funds to help balance the state's budget.