2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Republicans in the Minnesota Senate are proposing a Health and Human Services budget bill that would transfer more than 100,000 people with low incomes from state-subsidized health insurance to the private marketplace.
Minn. House health panel gets an earful from targets of cuts
The Minnesota House has a plan of its own to cut the health and human services budget. And on Wednesday, committees heard from scores of people that say they'd be hurt by the bill, which cuts $1.6 billion.
State employees rally at Minn. Capitol
Public employees packed the State Capitol rotunda Tuesday to defend themselves from what they see as an assault on collective bargaining. The union rally followed a House committee hearing on a bill that would cut the state workforce and freeze salaries.
Dems question GOP numbers on human services cuts
The bill would change how counties deliver service to the disabled and the elderly, cut rates to doctors who provide unnecessary treatments and attempt to change how the state delivers Medicaid.
Republicans in the Minnesota House released Monday a Jobs and Economic Development budget bill that makes deep cuts to job training and uses one-time money to help balance the state's budget.
Minnesota's health maintenance organizations are enjoying surging profits from managing three state health insurance programs, and that has attracted the attention of officials looking for cash to balance the state's budget.