2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

The Nature Conservancy and nearly two dozen other habitat and sportsmen's groups are asking Gov. Mark Dayton to veto part of the Legacy bill after lawmakers added projects that weren't recommended by the Lessard Sams Outdoor Heritage Council.
Political spin begins as 2013 session ends
Gov. Mark Dayton and legislative leaders will shift from policy to politics today, now that the 2013 session is over. Dayton will hold a press conference this morning, while Republican lawmakers will travel the state to give their spin on the session.
Budget in hand, Legislature adjourns
The last votes included the Senate's passage of a massive tax bill, and House approval of a measure to finance state government operations. Both votes were delayed most of the final day by negotiations on a new, smaller bonding bill that covers repairs on the State Capitol.
Anti-bullying bill will return next year, supporters say
Supporters of a move to strengthen Minnesota's anti-bullying law say they will push the issue again next session. A bill that would have required schools to track cases of bullying and better train staff to deal with bullying was pulled from consideration early Monday morning, as it faced a filibuster from Republicans who had concerns over the cost of the measure.
The Minnesota Legislature Monday night passed a bill to pay for State Capitol renovations. The pared-down bonding bill includes $109 million to make extensive repairs to the State Capitol, as well as funding for flood mitigation projects and the Minneapolis veteran's home.
Minn. lawmakers approve State Capitol bonds, also includes flood projects
The Minnesota Legislature Monday night passed a bill to pay for State Capitol renovations. The new, smaller bonding bill includes $109 million to make extensive repairs to the State Capitol, as well as funding for flood mitigation projects, parking at the Capitol and the Minneapolis veteran's home. The Legislature faces a constitutional deadline of midnight to complete its business.