2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Budget in limbo with legislative deadline just hours away
Members spent most of the weekend working to pass pieces of a two-year, $38.3 billion budget -- the main work of the session. The House passed the tax bill that finances that spending earlier Monday morning after a six-hour debate by a 69-65 margin.
How lawmakers cope with long hours in session
Legislators at the Minnesota Capitol have worked marathon hours this weekend as they raced to finish work on the new two-year state budget before the mandated end of the session on Monday at midnight. We talked to one lawmaker about how he and his colleagues handle the long hours.
Companies looking to mine frac sand in Minnesota would need to get approval from the Department of Natural Resources. The requirement was part of an environment budget bill passed by the Legislature on Saturday night.
The Minnesota House passed a K-12 finance bill that would increase funding by $485 million for all-day kindergarten, special education, early childhood education and the classroom.
Minn. lawmakers take budget debate down to wire
The final pieces of Minnesota's next two-year, $38 billion budget were falling into place Sunday as state lawmakers clocked long hours and held a succession of late-night debates at the Capitol. By late afternoon, lawmakers had sent six of nine major budget bills to Gov. Mark Dayton.
On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted for the 37th time to undo the new healthcare law - a bill sponsored by Sixth Congressional District Rep. Michele Bachmann. But the vote was largely symbolic; the Senate has no plans to pass the bill.