2023 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates from the 2023 Minnesota legislative session that began on Jan. 3, 2023. Whether you're looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Capitol roundup: House passes legal marijuana, DFL tax plan draws flack
DFL leaders on Thursday also said that they would likely need the remaining four days of legislative session to wrap up a state budget, contrary to prior talk about finishing early.
Nurses' staffing issue to move as separate bill at Minnesota Capitol
Legislative negotiators at the Minnesota Capitol have agreed to consider a nurse staffing bill separately from a larger health care funding bill as time runs short in the legislative session.
Gov. Tim Walz on the work wrapping up around the Capitol
The Minnesota Legislature is getting closer to adjournment with final votes on some big bills left to be taken before next week. Gov. Tim Walz joins Cathy Wurzer to talk about what to expect for the final stretch of the session and beyond.
Minnesota Senate and House pass $2.2 billion in new school funding
Lawmakers in the Minnesota House and Senate voted to increase the amount the state contributes to the general education formula, plus new money for libraries, school support staff, menstrual products in school and changes in reading instruction. 
Walz signs $240 million lead pipe removal bill 
Minnesota lawmakers are committing hundreds of millions of dollars to get lead out of drinking water throughout Minnesota. But Minneapolis, with 47,000 private lead service lines, estimates it will take much more money to take care of all of them.