Election 2024

Election 2024

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2024.

Yam uas yuav tsum paub txog kev xaiv tsa xub thawj ntawm Minnesota Xyoo 2024
Cov neeg Minnesota yuav pov npav hauv qhov kev xaiv tsa xub thawj xyoo 2024 thaum Lub Yim Hli Ntuj Tim 13 txhawm rau los txiav txim seb tus neeg sib tw twg uas lawv xav tau mus rau kev xaiv tsa feem dav rau Lub Kaum Ib Hlis. Nov yog yam uas yuav tsum paub txog kev xaiv tsa xub thawj ntawm Minnesota.
Lo que hay que saber sobre las elecciones primarias de 2024 en Minnesota
Los ciudadanos de Minnesota votarán en las elecciones primarias de 2024 el 13 de agosto para decidir qué candidatos quieren que pasen a las elecciones generales de noviembre. Esto es lo que hay que saber sobre las elecciones primarias de Minnesota.
U.S. Senate candidates give closing arguments at Farmfest ahead of Tuesday’s primary
Farmfest, an agricultural trade show, has become a rite of passage for politicians to talk with rural constituents in farm country. The forum was the last chance for voters to see the U.S. Senate candidates on the same stage before Tuesday’s primary.
What to know about Usha Vance, JD Vance's wife
Usha Vance grew up in San Diego and clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts after Yale Law School. Here's what else to know about the wife of the Republican vice presidential candidate.
Trump praised Minnesota Gov. Walz in 2020 for response to unrest over Floyd's murder, audio shows
Former President Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance have been hammering Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz over his response to the violence that erupted in the aftermath of the 2020 murder of George Floyd. But Trump described the governor as calm and said, at the time, he fully agreed with how Walz handled it, including his deployment of the Minnesota National Guard.
What Mr. Walz’s former students have to say about the Democratic VP nominee
Before Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz ever served in public office, he was a high school teacher and assistant football coach. Those who knew him then, and who stayed in touch, share what they learned.
Talking Sense: How we talk about immigrants and immigration
Polls show immigration is a key election issue with voters having sharply different views. Assumptions and misinformation also cloud discussions about immigrants and immigration. What’s accurate and what’s not?