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The Daily Digest: 1-15-09

Gov. Pawlenty delivers his 7th State of the State address today. The Pi Press says no details are expected on the budget. The Star Tribune says there will be cuts in every corner. This is a reminder that MPR will provide live coverage of the speech at noon today.

Advocates for the courts say they need $43 million. MPR, AP, the Star Tribune and the Pi Press have stories.

Noise concerns by MPR were a part of the reason construction of the Central Corridor line was delayed.

Lawmakers scrutinize the DNR land sale law.

Lawmakers propose a bill that would reward whistle blowers who point out financial waste in state government.

WCCO examines which lawmakers are taking the most in per diem.

A judge upholds instant runoff voting in Minneapolis.

2008 U.S. Senate race

Republican Norm Coleman's campaign proposes its schedule for how the trial should proceed.

The Minnesota Supreme Court is making Franken wait until at least February on his bid to require a signed election certificate.

A group of Republican voters wants the court to prevent the double counting of votes in the U.S. Senate race.

Forum Communications looks at frustrated voters from both parties who are looking to the courts for a remedy.

MPR ponders whether the election was stolen.


President-elect Obama is losing GOP support for the second phase of the stimulus.

The House passes a bill expanding Children's Health Insurance. GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann and GOP Rep. John Kline voted against the bill. All of the DFLers in Minnesota's delegation and GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen voted for the bill.

Hearings on Obama's Treasury pick have been delayed but the New York Times says he is likely to be confirmed.

Obama's pick for Attorney General is expecting a grilling.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson warned Obama against picking a governor for Ag Secretary.

Fox News reports that Obama will end the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy.

The Hill interviews/profiles GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann.

2008 RNC

A report on the police procedures during the RNC offers a mixed review. MPR and the Pi Press have stories.