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The Daily Digest: 1-30-09

The economy continues to fall at a rapid pace.

Several members of Congress appeared at the State Capitol yesterday to discuss the federal stimulus package that passed the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this week. DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar said the plan will create and save thousands of jobs. Others aren't so sure. MPR and the Pi Press have stories.

DFL Rep. Collin Peterson also appeared at the Capitol and explained why he voted against the bill.

Meanwhile, Gov. Pawlenty's proposed cuts to health care could jeopardize some stimulus money.

KARE runs with some city requests for stimulus aid that have been ripped by a GOP group.

Gov. Pawlenty signed a bill that extends unemployment benefits.

Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson sues two more housing services.

Minnesota gets poor marks for teacher quality.

A different report says Minnesota has lost its edge in biosciences.

Dentists rip Pawlenty's proposed cuts to dental services.

Some state lawmakers are pushing for plans to reduce carbon emissions.


DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar creates an advisory committee to help her find a new U.S. Attorney for Minnesota.

A top EPA scientist highlights the change in attitude with the new administration.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann bashes the stimulus bill in this op-ed.

Politico reports that Democrats plan in running campaigns in GOP districts.

President Obama is said to be considering GOP Sen. Judd Gregg (New Hampshire) for Commerce Secretary. If Franken wins, that would put the Senate at 60 Democrats.

Obama signed the equal pay bill.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

The Star Tribune and Forum Communications take a look at the candidates as the trial wraps up its first week.

MPR takes a look at the PR battle between the two campaigns.

AP says Coleman shifts in the fight for votes.

The Pi Press says Coleman wants the three judge panel to reconsider 11,000 rejected absentee ballots.

The Star Tribune says Coleman's campaign counterattacks.

Politico reports that Coleman's U.S. Senate office is tossing out bundles of stuff.


Holy Angels school revokes an award for DFL Rep. Paul Thissen (a candidate for governor) because Thissen supports legalized abortion.