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The Daily Digest: 6-9-09

The state is pursuing more tax scofflaws.

Minnesota regulators drop the push to block online gambling.

Minnesota cops will start pulling over and fining unbelted drivers today.

The Midwestern Governors group sets greenhouse gas goals.

North Dakota's Industrial Commission has invited Minnesota legislators to see what power companies in the state are doing to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions.

The 35W bridge wreckage still has no home.

Legislative leaders will recap the session in Rochester on Wednesday.


The New York Times has a fascinating article on President Obama's efforts to level the disparities in Medicare. The proposal has won tacit approval from Minnesota lawmakers since Medicare shortchanges Minnesota on funding.

Obama says he intends to speed up stimulus spending. The Chicago Tribune says it's an effort to confront doubts on the stimulus.

Obama is headed to Green Bay, WI on Thursday. The Minnesota Media and ESPN ask "What does this mean for Brett Favre? Will Brett Favre be there? What about a bailout for Favre" Sorry, had to get that off of my chest.

A Gitmo detainee arrives in New York City to face criminal charges.

Obama's Supreme Court pick Sonia Sotomayor fractures her ankle.

The GOP raised $14 million for 2010.

The U.S. Supreme Court delays the sale of Chrysler assets to Fiat.

The court also rejects a challenge to "don't ask, don't tell."

The court also said a state judge acted improperly by not recusing himself from a case that included a large contributor to the judge's campaign.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke late last week encouraging the Fed to stop monetizing debt -- or creating funds to buy U.S. treasuries.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann will appear at a news conference today to call for an end to using taxpayer funds for abortion.

Radio stations across the country face a performance tax. DFL Rep. Collin Peterson says he opposes it.

Peterson also said he opposes the climate change legislation unless his concerns over ethanol are addressed. You can listen to yesterday's interview with MPR here.

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar is seeking to recover $29 billion that was transferred from the Highway Trust Fund to the U.S. Treasury.

Oberstar is also backing legislation that would make it easier for Fed Ex workers to unionize.


Former State Auditor Pat Anderson (who may also run for gov) confirms she has H1N1.

A bunch of candidates for governor will appear at an environmental forum.

DFL state Sen. Tom Bakk discusses why he thinks he's a strong candidate for governor.

2008 Race for U.S. Senate

MDE's Michael Brodkorb files data practices requests to view uncounted absentee ballots.

Progressives are also trying to pressure the NRSC over Coleman.


Gov. Pawlenty responds to Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak's "butt kicking comment."