Politics and Government News

MPR News is your hub for the latest politics and government news coverage. Whether you're looking for the status of a recent Supreme Court ruling, or want updates on Minnesota's newest laws, we have comprehensive state and national news coverage ready for you.

Trump vs. Bloomberg: Fortunes collide in pricey knife fight
President Trump and Michael Bloomberg are two wealthy, swaggering New Yorkers, but the similarities end there. Now Bloomberg is trying to win the Democratic presidential nomination and deny Trump a second term, and he is doing it largely by running ads that attack Trump on a scale never seen before.
As court case continues, MPCA defends handling of PolyMet permit, citing efficiency
In the third day of an unusual court hearing investigating alleged “procedural irregularities” in the way a mine permit was issued, former MPCA Commissioner John Linc Stine testified his agency asked the EPA to delay submitting critical comments because his staff was stretched too thin responding to other comments.
Minnesota joins multistate lawsuit to block 3D gun files
A move by the Trump administration to allow 3D-printed gun files to be released on the internet would make it easier for terrorists and criminals to access weapons, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Thursday in filing a multi-state lawsuit trying to block the data.
Presidential primary voter data collection sparks partisan feud
The chairs of Minnesota’s two largest political parties are in a face-off over whether more restrictions are needed over the information Minnesotans provide to the parties when they vote in the upcoming presidential primary election.
U.S. imposes visa rules for pregnant women on 'birth tourism'
The Trump administration has published new visa rules aimed at restricting a practice known as “birth tourism." That refers to cases when women travel to the United States to give birth so their children can have U.S. citizenship.
Trump administration is rolling back Obama-era protections for smaller waterways
The controversial rule change will dramatically reduce federal pollution protections for many streams and wetlands. Farmers and builders welcome that, but environmental groups plan to challenge it.