Politics and Government News

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Democrats and their allies have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow for absentee ballots in battleground Wisconsin received up to six days after the election to be counted. The move is being fought by Republicans who have opposed other attempts across the country to expand voting.
Barrett tells doubtful Dems she'd keep open mind on court
Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is presenting herself as a judge with deeply held personal and religious beliefs, but one who vows to keep an “open mind” on cases coming to the court. Republicans champion her conservative approach to the law and doubtful Democrats are running out of time to stop her quick confirmation.
Presidential campaign TV ad spending crosses $1 billion mark in key states
Almost $900 million of that money has been spent in just six states — Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Arizona. Joe Biden has a big spending advantage in those states.
Trips by Trump, Biden illustrate calculations on voting map
With Election Day just three weeks away, President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are concentrating on battleground states both see as critical to clinching an Electoral College victory.
Guía para el votante: Posición de los candidatos del 7.o Distrito sobre los temas relevantes
La ex vicegobernadora Michelle Fischbach es la republicana que se enfrenta al antiguo representante demócrata de los EE. UU. Collin Peterson en noviembre. El 7.o Distrito es un distrito grande y en gran parte rural, en el oeste y noroeste de Minnesota.
Hagaha Codbixiyaha: Halka ay arrimaha jira ka taagan yihiin murashixiinta xaafadda degmada labaad ama 2nd District
U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, waxay ka shaqeyn jirtay xil madaxnimo oo ah qalabka caafimaadka, waxay murashax tahay markii labaad, oo waxay iska horjeedaan murashaxa jamhuuriga ama Republican Tyler Kistner, oo hawlgab ka soo noqday ciidanka mariinada ama Marine Corps.
Lus qhia rau tus pov npav: Cov neeg los sib tw lub rooj nom Cheeb Tsam Thib 2 cov kev xam pom rau tej teeb meem
Tus zaum lub room nom Xab Pha Qis Meskas Angie Craig, yav dhau los yog ib tug thawj saib xyuas tuam tsev tsim khoom kho mob, tab tom npaj siab los khiav ua nom zaub ob, sib tw nrog pawg phav Republican ib tug sawv cev hu ua Tyler Kistner, uas yog ib tug qub Tub Nrog Nruab Deg.