Politics and Government News

MPR News is your hub for the latest politics and government news coverage. Whether you're looking for the status of a recent Supreme Court ruling, or want updates on Minnesota's newest laws, we have comprehensive state and national news coverage ready for you.

After election, parties brace for court challenges
The 2020 election has seen an unprecedented amount of legal wrangling before the final voting. And election officials, campaigns, political parties and others are bracing for court fights after Election Day, especially if Minnesota contests are close. 
Polling places are latest front in battle over face masks
On Election Day, voters across the country will face varying rules about mask-wearing when they cast a ballot as officials try to balance public safety precautions amid a global pandemic with the constitutional right to vote.
Trump promises court fight over Pennsylvania absentee votes
President Donald Trump and his campaign are signaling they will pursue an aggressive legal strategy to try to prevent Pennsylvania from counting mailed ballots that are received in the three days after the election. 
Guía para el votante: Posición de los candidatos del 8.o Distrito sobre los temas relevantes
A continuación se presentan las posiciones que tomaron el titular del cargo, el representante republicano Pete Stauber y la retadora demócrata Quinn Nystrom durante el debate organizado por MPR News.
Lus qhia rau tus neeg pov npav xaiv tsa: Nyob rau qhov chaw uas cov neeg los sib tw xaiv tsa nyob rau Cheeb Tsam thib 8 sawv los hais txog cov teeb meem
Ntawm no yog los saib ntawm kev tuav hauj lwm ntawm Phav Kas Moos Republican. Pete Stauber thiab DFL tus neeg sib tw Quinn Nystrom tau siv sij hawm thaum lub sij hawm sib cav tswv yim los ntawm MPR News.
Hagidda Codbixiyaha: Halka ay arrimaha socda ka taagan yihiin murashixiinta degmada siddeedaad ama 8th District
Halkan waxaa ku qoran mowqifyada xildhibaanka hadda haysta kursiga oo ah jamhuuri ama Republican Rep. Pete Stauber iyo gabar la tartameysa oo ka soo jeedda Dimuquraadiga ama DFL ah, Quinn Nystrom ayaa isaga hor yimid dood lagu martigeliyey idaacadda raadiyaha MPR News.
COVID-19 forces some poll workers home during Election Day, as others take their place
The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on almost every aspect of this year’s election — including who’s staffing polling places. Across the state, younger people are filling in for older election workers who are staying home because of the coronavirus.