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Climate Cast
MPR News

MPR meteorologist Paul Huttner discusses the latest research on our changing climate and the consequences we’re seeing here in Minnesota and worldwide. Hear Climate Cast each Thursday on MPR’s All Things Considered.

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Author of ‘The Parrot and the Igloo’ examines the history of climate change deniers
David Lipsky, author of “The Parrot and the Igloo: Climate and the Science of Denial,” talks about the history of climate change and those who deny the science behind human-caused climate change. 
Climate change a factor in spread of bird flu that's keeping birthing cows out of State Fair
Climate Change is changing migratory patterns across the world and that is impacting how certain diseases like the avian flu are spread between birds and other species. Climate solutions reporter Izzy Ross stopped by Climate Cast to talk about the link between bird flu and climate change.
Midwest transportation systems feel the brunt of climate change
Extreme heat and record rainfall is taking a toll on transportation systems across the Midwest. Journalist Kiely Price talks about how extreme weather events are impacting the structure of infrastructure.
Dams across the Midwest are aging, putting them at risk from the effects of climate change
Record rainfall and runoff overwhelmed the 114-year-old Rapidan Dam near Mankato last month. So how safe are our 20th century dams in our new 21st century climate? Kristoffer Tigue talks about the climate’s threat to aging infrastructure.
Lakes could help harness large amounts of clean energy from the sun using floating solar panels
Already used in lakes around the world, floating solar panels have helped harvest a vast amount of clean energy. Matt Simon with Grist talks about floating photovoltaics — the technology gathering energy from the sun on top of still bodies of water.