Twin Cities

Jamar Clark protesters march to downtown Minneapolis
"If we don't get justice for Jamar Clark, if those tapes aren't released, if we don't get an independent prosecutor, if we don't get no grand jury, then our 'or else' is we're going back to the Mall of America," said Black Lives Matter organizer Michael McDowell.
Chief Harteau: Mpls. feeling the 'Ferguson Effect'
Law enforcement officials say they believe police across the country may be acting more cautiously and enforcing the law less stringently in the wake of questions raised by the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Missouri last year.
Coleman, mayors address Mississippi River issues at Paris climate talks
Members of the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative traveled to the U.N. Conference on Climate Change in France to learn how other river communities are addressing the challenges of water quality and climate change.
St. Paul schools chief to union: Safety solutions must fit budget
Saying she was "deeply concerned" about teachers threatening to strike over school safety, Superintendent Valeria Silva said Wednesday she was committed to finding solutions but cautioned the district can't afford all of what the union wants.
What's next for Jamar Clark demonstrators and activists?
The rhetoric at rallies and news conferences has often shifted to themes beyond Clark's death, such as justice and systemic change. At times, the demonstrations have had the feel of a movement.
Conflicting accounts: What happened the night Jamar Clark was shot?
Jamar Clark's death at the hands of Minneapolis police has rallied protesters for nearly three weeks. But the circumstances around the moments leading up to his death remain unclear -- and contentious.
Jamar Clark shooting, protests continue strained history between community, police
"We have been saying for a significant amount of time that Minneapolis is one bullet away from Ferguson," activist Jason Sole of the Minneapolis NAACP said the day after Clark was shot. "That bullet was fired last night."