Today's Question Blog

Wealthy families are paying some of their biggest federal tax bills in decades even as the rest of the population continues to pay at historically low rates. Today’s Question: Is the current tax structure in the U.S. fair?
Once again, the White House and Congress have missed a deadline to negotiate a deficit-reduction deal. Indiscriminate budget cuts, known as sequestration, will now take effect. Today’s Question: How does the failure to avoid sequestration affect your view of government?
Only a few months after the defeat of a constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage in Minnesota, advocates are introducing a bill in the Legislature to allow same-sex marriage. Today’s Question: Should the Legislature pass a law to allow same-sex marriage?
Yahoo has told its employees who work from home that they will have to work at the office instead. A company memo says, “Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home. We need to be one Yahoo, and that starts with physically being together.” Today’s Question: Is it good for a business…
The horsemeat scandal that began in Ireland last month has spread across Europe, with horse DNA now having been discovered in IKEA meatballs sold in 13 European countries. Some European leaders are calling for new labeling regulations in hopes of bolstering confidence in the food supply. Today’s Question: Does the horsemeat scandal in Europe raise…
The authority preparing to build the new football stadium in downtown Minneapolis has announced plans to tear down the old Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome early in 2014. Today’s Question: What is your most vivid memory of the Dome?
State senators are considering a proposal to allow Minnesotans to vote up to two weeks before Election Day. Currently, voters need excused absences to vote early. Today’s Question: What changes would you like to see in Minnesota’s voting laws?
Legislators are chewing over the proposed details of a health insurance exchange that Minnesotans could use to shop for health coverage. The exchange would begin operations by October and serve more than a million Minnesotans. Today’s Question: What features would you like to see in a Minnesota insurance exchange?