Today's Question Blog

Ten years ago this week the U.S. invaded Iraq under the pretext that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction. The pretext turned out not to be true, but was used to justify a pre-emptive attack. Today’s Question: Are there conditions that can be satisfied to justify a pre-emptive military strike?
The U.S. invaded Iraq 10 years ago this week. The Iraq War led to the fall of Saddam Hussein. Iraqis voted in free elections in 2005. The U.S. suffered more than 4,480 deaths and 32,000 wounded during the Iraq War. Iraq Body Count estimates more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians died. Congressional researchers estimate that more…
Gov. Mark Dayton released a revised budget that includes higher income taxes for the state’s top earners, an increased cigarette tax and establishes a “snowbird” tax for people who live in Minnesota part of the year. The budget erases a projected deficit while increasing spending for education and makes room for building projects. Republicans criticize…
Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina, who last year accused fellow church officials of hypocrisy for forgetting that Jesus Christ bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes, was elected pope Wednesday. He chose the name Francis, becoming the first pontiff from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium. Today’s Question: What should…
New Yorkers have a right to their sugary drinks in large personal containers, a state judge ruled earlier this week. Minnesota lawmakers are considering a bill that would increase the tax on junk food. Today’s Question: Is there a role for the government to play in promoting a healthy lifestyle?
The legal authority for drone strikes comes from a law that Congress passed just after the Sept. 11 attacks, called the Authorization for Use of Military Force. It is an authority President Barack Obama has used more often than President George W. Bush. Critics argue the law enables a perpetual, ever-expanding war. Today’s Question: Should…
A state council is recommending the governor and state lawmakers get a pay increase. The governor’s current $120,303 salary would increase by 3 percent in 2015 and again in 2016. Legislator pay would be set at one-third of what the governor makes. That would take their $31,140-a-year salaries to $40,890 in 2015. Today’s Question: Should…
The U.N. Security Council agreed to tighten sanctions against North Korea on Thursday as punishment for its recent nuclear test. The Council’s unanimous agreement came after three weeks of negotiation between the U.S. and China, which has opposed such measures in the past. North Korea was furious at the U.N. action, issuing a threat to…
Minnesota lawmakers are considering two competing bills that aim to reduce gun violence. One significant difference between the two bills is a requirement for all who purchase guns in the state to undergo a background check. Today’s Question: Should a universal background check be part of gun violence legislation?
The Dow closed at an all time high on Tuesday. Minnesota’s employers added about 12,000 new jobs in January, which helped put the state’s job market 90 percent of the way back to pre-recession levels. Household income is still 8% lower than it was at its peak in 2007. Today’s Question: How does the economy…