Today's Question Blog

Is NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden a patriot?
“The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything,” Snowden said in explaining his actions. “With this capability, the vast majority of human communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted to see your emails or your wife’s phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get…
What level of domestic snooping by the government is acceptable?
The US government is collecting the phone records of millions of US customers of Verizon under a top secret court order. Read the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order here via The Guardian “It’s an overstatement to say that it’s beginning to look like President George W. Bush’s fourth term, writes NPR’s Frank James. Still, that…
How do you feel about the role zoos play in protecting threatened species?
The new Gorilla Forest exhibit at Como zoo opens today and will be home to seven gorillas, six of which are new to the zoo. The $11 million redesign includes what is said to be the largest all-mesh enclosure in North America. The changes to the exhibit exceed the requirements for holding, exhibiting and managing…
Photo by Marcus McCurdy via Flickr Major League Baseball will seek to suspend about 20 players, reports ESPN. [The players are] connected to the Miami-area clinic at the heart of an ongoing performance-enhancing drug scandal, including Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun, possibly within the next few weeks, “Outside the Lines” has learned. If the suspensions…
Should the UN take steps to cut Syria off from shipments of new weapons?
Charting Syria’s civil war view interactive map and timeline of the conflict in Syria Syria’s civil war has reached a point of stalemate after two years of fighting, according to the United Nations. A new report by the UN is calling for outside parties to stop sending weapons into the conflict. Britain and France have…
Should scientists attempt to clone a wooly mammoth?
“Scientists in Siberia say they’ve extracted blood samples from the carcass of a 10,000-year-old woolly mammoth, reviving speculation that a clone of the extinct animal might someday walk the earth, if scientists are able to find living cells. But researchers say the find, which also included well-preserved muscle tissue, must be studied further to know…
Do you support copper-nickel mining near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness?
“The polarizing divide over the future of mining around Ely will be on display this weekend, when an anti-mining group opens shop on Sheridan Street, the canoeing mecca’s main drag,” writes MPR News reporter Dan Kraker. Workers in the new center, dubbed “Sustainable Ely,” will encourage tourists to take action urging President Barack Obama to…
How do you rate Al Franken as a U.S. Senator?
“The first Republican candidate has stepped forward to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Al Franken in 2014,” writes MPR News reporter Tim Pugmire. “Mike McFadden, a business executive from Sunfish Lake, announced Wednesday that he filed the paperwork to form a campaign committee. He also outlined a campaign message that will focus on education, jobs and…
What do you think about Michele Bachmann’s decision not to run for re-election?
“8 years is enough,” says Rep. Michele Bachmann. “Rep. Michele Bachmann says she won’t see re-election in 2014,” writes Matt Sepic for MPR News. “The 4-term congresswoman announced her decision in a nearly 9-minute video posted on her website early Wednesday morning. “Bachmann said in the video that the decision wasn’t the result of doubts…
Photo by Prescott Pym via Flickr “Alimony dates back centuries. The original idea was that once married, a man is responsible for a woman till death,” writes NPR’s Jennifer Ludden. “But that notion has shifted in recent decades, as more women have jobs and their own money. Now, a number of states are considering laws…