Today's Question Blog

Should the federal government play a stronger role in regulating electronic cigarettes?
“An increase in Minnesota’s cigarette tax is giving a boost to electronic cigarettes as an alternative to traditional smoking,” according to MPR News Reporter Mark Zdechlik. The number of Twin Cities shops selling the “e-cigs,” as they are called, has been rising, and shop owners credit the $1.60-a-pack tax increase that goes into effect July…
Sunset at MSP by carlyett117 via Flickr Less than one percent of the $58.3 million the Minnesota Legislature allocated for arts and cultural heritage projects in FY2014 was spent on travel for Minnesota artists, but during the past legislative session, lawmakers determined that artists can only use Minnesota State Arts Board grant money for travel…
Should humans intervene to keep a pack of wolves on Isle Royale?
The wolf population on Isle royale is down to eight individuals. For the first time in 50 years of intense study, there is no evidence of reproduction. In considering what to do next, the National Park Service is investigating three options: the first is to do nothing, let nature take its course. The wolves may…
Is it a good idea to cut food stamps?
Update: A previous version of this post included a graph that used nominal dollars based on USDA data. stated the annual spending by the U.S. Government on SNAP. This updated post now features a graph from the Congressional Budget Office in adjusted dollars. Congress is poised to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly…
Was the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan worth fighting?
View the full program here Update: The Obama Administration has expressed an interest in open peace talks with the Taliban. The 12 year long U.S-led war against the Taliban in Afghanistan reaches a turning point today. Afghan forces are now the primary group responsible for providing national security. American and NATO military forces will now…
How should U.S. immigration laws change?
The Senate last week overcame a procedural hurdle in moving forward on the first immigration overhaul in a generation. Lawmakers from both parties’ voted to begin formal debate on a proposal that would give an estimated 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally a long and difficult path to citizenship, reports Phillip Elliot for the…
Do you agree with President Obama’s decision to arm Syrian rebels?
President Barack Obama has authorized sending weapons to Syrian rebels for the first time, U.S. officials said Thursday, after the White House disclosed that the United States has conclusive evidence President Bashar Assad’s government used chemical weapons against opposition forces trying to overthrow him. Obama has repeatedly said the use of chemical weapons would cross…
What is the best live musical performance you’ve experienced?
The Replacements reunion is a pretty big deal for a lot of folks. The band formed in Minneapolis in 1979 and never sold many records during a time when people still purchased such things. Yet, the band is credited for amazing live shows and influencing some of the most important voices in rock music. The…
Photo by Grant Laird Jr via Flickr “The warning delivered for years to people in their 40s and 50s: You never saved enough in good times, your home and investments took a huge hit in the recession and now, near retirement, there’s no easy way to catch up,” via the Daily Circuit. “Personally, I think…
How should the U.S. address growing economic inequality?
Fifty years ago today the late Alabama Gov. George Wallace shouted, “Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!” at the University of Alabama campus. June 11, 1963, was the date of what has become known as Wallace’s “stand in the schoolhouse door.” The University of Alabama campus was transformed into a scene of chaos when two…