Greater Minnesota

The governors of North Dakota and Minnesota and leading water officials on both sides of the Red River are endorsing a partnership to steer long-term flood control.
Moorhead buys houses; moves them out of flood zone
Some cities along the Red River are buying and moving homes out of harms' way before this spring's flood season comes. But some homeowners have been waiting months for buyouts from FEMA, and still don't know when they'll happen.
The more than 500 Minnesota National Guard soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 151st Field Artillery, plan to come home from Kuwait in April.
Mayo Clinic reports positive earnings; lays out future plans
The Mayo Clinic in Rochester surpassed its financial plan last year and brought in a profit of 4.4 percent--about $333 million. Since the clinic is a non-profit, that income is put back into patient care, education and research.