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According to Christian tradition, the birth of Jesus was announced by angels who proclaimed a message of peace on earth. Today’s Question: Is peace on earth possible?
In gesture to soldiers, Minn. bakery owners send free gourmet pastry
For 10 years, Andrej's European Pastry owners Jan and Jean Gadzo have sent potica, a Slovak sweet bread, free of charge, shipping and all, to U.S. soliders. For Jan Gadzo, a Vietnam veteran, it's simply a small thing to do to show his appreciation for their service.
Survivors of the 2005 shooting at Red Lake Senior High School traveled to Connecticut this week to offer support to residents of Newtown. Twenty-six people died in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School a week ago Friday.
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement released numbers Friday reporting a record number of people deported from the U.S. in 2012. However, numbers dropped slightly for the region that includes Minnesota.
Initial response may have hurt chances of capturing Cold Spring cop killer
Police missed their best chances to catch the Tom Decker's killer in the minutes, hours and days following the shooting of the Cold Spring police officer, according to several people in the criminal justice system who have watched the case unfold.