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Drawing a distinction between himself and rival Betsy Hodges, Minneapolis mayoral candidate Mark Andrew says he’ll grow the city’s Fire Department if elected. “For every minute of delay that a fire begins to rage, the chances of significant or even fatal injury increases exponentially,” Andrew said in an interview after accepting the endorsement of the…
Duluth mayor: A year after flood, some residents still struggling
Duluth sustained  more than $60 million worth of damage in the June, 2012 flood. Duluth Mayor Don Ness provided a status report today to Tom Crann of MPR News’ All Things Considered. Here is an edited transcript of their conversation: DON NESS: The nature of this storm and the damage that occurred was very localized.…
Gun rights activists who follow the Twin Cities Gun Owners and Carry Forum say they’re cancelling plans to bring their guns to Open Streets Minneapolis, a series of community gatherings set to start this weekend. “It got blown way out of proportion,” said Shelley Leeson, the organizer of the effort, in an interview. “I thought…
Isle Royale researchers debate intervention to help wolf population
With the Isle Royale wolf population down to eight individuals, the National Park Service faces a thorny set of choices to either intervene or let nature take its course. A panel of experts will debate the options and explore possible consequences.
Should humans intervene to keep a pack of wolves on Isle Royale?
The wolf population on Isle royale is down to eight individuals. For the first time in 50 years of intense study, there is no evidence of reproduction. In considering what to do next, the National Park Service is investigating three options: the first is to do nothing, let nature take its course. The wolves may…
Before and after photos: 2012 flood damage, recovery in Duluth, northeast Minnesota
Up to 10 inches of rain fell over northeastern Minnesota in June 2012, causing more than $100 million in damage. Rivers and streams flooded their banks, severely damaging roads and bridges. About 1,500 hundred homes also suffered significant damage. A year later, most of that damage has been repaired. Some work still continues though, including on the iconic swinging bridge at Jay Cooke State Park.
‘Tweet-along’ with police chief Harteau
Minneapolis’ first female police chief has also become the first city chief to conduct a “Tweet-along.”  Today,  chief Janee Harteau rode in a patrol car in the 2nd Precinct responding to calls and tweeting about them.  Harteau, who calls herself a “Twitter chief,” said using the popular social networking tool to connect with city residents…