Mental Health

A collection of mental health news and resources.

As financial worries grow, farmers grapple with mental health
The stress of farming can lead to anxiety or depression. It can also trigger or worsen other mental health conditions. Angela Davis talks with state leaders and a representative from the Minnesota Farmers Union about how famers cope and how they can find the care they need.
Cities and counties around the country want alternatives to jail and emergency rooms for people in a mental health crisis. Some, including Ramsey and Hennepin counties, are turning to Forensic Assertive Community Treatment, or FACT, teams which help people find the services they need.
Gun violence brings trauma to communities and cops
There’s growing concern in law enforcement that responding to traumatic calls without mental health support can take a toll on the well-being of officers. MPR’s Angela Davis led a conversation Monday about the effects of police work on officers and the communities they police.
How a proposed 3-digit suicide hotline could help prevention efforts
The current suicide hotline — 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255 — has helped many people. But it's long and tough to remember in a crisis. The FCC is proposing a new national, three-digit number.
 'Suicide by cop' is in the eye of the beholder
"Suicide by cop” is a common conclusion in fatal police shootings. But there’s a lack of criteria for that determination. So, the question of whether someone died because of a suicidal provocation of police or a cop overreacting is up for grabs.
Positive childhood experiences may buffer against health effects of adverse ones
Researchers asked adults to reflect back on their happy childhood memories. They found those who recalled more were less likely to have depression in adulthood and had more supportive relationships.