Mental Health

A collection of mental health news and resources.

Future of Us: Deprived of social connections during the pandemic, teens learned to prioritize their mental health
What does a pandemic and a racial reckoning mean for the generation that came of age during it? Licensed therapist and author Shani Tran says that, while it has taken a toll on Gen Z’s mental health, it’s also equipped them with the emotional tools they’ll need to thrive.
Here's how 10 minutes of mindfulness can help make or break a family vacation
Research shows it's possible to generative positive emotions and memories, even amid strife and anxiety. If you're planning a family vacation, a simple meditation exercise can help you keep your cool.
What is ‘real’ self-care?
While the saying “treat yo’self” may come to mind when you think about self-care, experts argue it’s not about self-indulgence or access to an expensive splurge.
How to take action on youth mental health
We listen back to a conversation MPR News host Angela Davis had with two Minnesota professionals about how to recognize signs of mental health challenges — and what to do and say to help that young person in your life.
Black kids face racism before they even start school. It's driving a major mental health crisis.
The drivers of the youth mental health crisis for Black children begin early and persist through a lifetime. Black children’s first encounters with racism can start before they are even in school, and Black teenagers report experiencing an average of five instances of racial discrimination per day.