
Pregnant women should still get the flu vaccine, doctors advise
Researchers and physicians say a study suggesting a link between the flu vaccine and miscarriage in a limited population is cause for more research, not a reason to change vaccination recommendations.
New blow to GOP health bill: Paul opposes revised measure
A chart Republicans circulated said the legislation's grants would provide 14 percent more money for Arizona than under Obama's law; 4 percent more for Kentucky; 49 percent more for Texas; 3 percent more for Alaska; and 43 percent more for Maine.
For Republicans, rounding up health care votes could prove impossible
Sen. Susan Collins said Sunday it's "difficult to envision" voting for the latest GOP bill, as Sen. Ted Cruz spoke up to say he might oppose it. Any single senator's opposition would sink the bill.
How an air traveler with autism found strength in a stranger's kindness
Russell Lehmann, who has autism, suffered a major meltdown at the airport in June. An airline employee saw him and tried to help. That "meant the world," Russell says, and changed his life.
McCain says no to GOP health care bill
Sen. John McCain says he won't vote for the Republican bill repealing the Obama health care law. His statement likely deals a fatal blow to the last-gasp GOP measure in a Senate showdown expected next week.