
What the latest from D.C. could mean for your health care
The latest Republican effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act faltered yesterday. Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, joined two other Republican senators in publicly opposing the Graham-Cassidy legislation, leaving the bill without needed votes.
Republican leaders: Senate won't vote on Obamacare repeal
Facing assured defeat, Republican leaders decided Tuesday not to even hold a vote on the GOP's latest attempt to repeal the Obama health care law, surrendering on their last-gasp effort to deliver on the party's banner campaign promise.
Graham-Cassidy effectively blocked as 3 GOP senators oppose health care bill
Maine Sen. Susan Collins says she'll vote no on the latest push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. That once again leaves the GOP short of the votes they need to pass a health care bill.
This test can determine whether you've outgrown a food allergy
Food allergies are tricky to diagnose, and many kids can outgrow them, too. A test called an oral food challenge is the gold standard to rule out an allergy. It's performed under medical supervision.