
Less sex, fewer babies: Blame the internet and career priorities
America's birthrate continues to decline, and young people are having less sex, amid career pressures and a confusing online dating scene. The declining fertility rate raises alarms for the economy.
Ohio shooter said to have wrestled with dark thoughts
A man who fatally gunned down nine people in Ohio had long wrestled with mental illness that manifested itself in a fascination with tragedy, uncontrollable urges to unleash violence and suicidal thoughts so deep he twice put a gun in his mouth, ready to pull the trigger, a woman who dated him said Tuesday.
Dyslexia is common, as many as one in five children struggle with this learning disability, according to Yale’s Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. Yet crucial early intervention is often delayed, which can cause lasting damage.
Pain rescue team helps seriously ill kids cope in terrible times
An interdisciplinary team in San Francisco uses acupressure, massage, counseling and other methods, as well as medicine, to help kids get relief from chronic pain. But such pediatric centers are rare.
Confused about sunscreen ingredients? Here's what we've learned
The government asked sunscreen manufacturers do safety studies on the active ingredients in sunscreens — by November. In the meantime, what do you need to know about the goo you slather on your skin?