Religion and Faith

Paris Easter Mass honors firefighters who saved Notre Dame
The archbishop of Paris and Catholics from around France and the world honored the firefighters who saved Notre Dame Cathedral, praying Sunday at a special Easter Mass for a swift reconstruction of the beloved monument.
Colombia's Salt Cathedral is marvel of architecture, popular house of worship
On Easter, people will gather to pray in the cathedral, situated 600 feet underground in the Andean mining town of Zipaquira. It was built in the caverns and tunnels left behind by salt miners.
United Methodists edge toward breakup over LGBT policies
There's at least one area of agreement among conservative, centrist and liberal leaders in the United Methodist Church: America's largest mainline Protestant denomination is on a path toward likely breakup over differences on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT pastors.
Police official: Short-circuit likely caused Notre Dame fire
Paris police investigators think an electrical short-circuit most likely caused the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, a police official said Thursday as France paid a daylong tribute to the firefighters who saved the world-renowned landmark.
Minnesotans show faith for future of Notre Dame in Paris
As France vowed to restore the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Minnesotans gathered at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis on Tuesday to pray and reflect on the cathedral and the many manifestations of their faith.