Religion and Faith

A record number of teens and young adults reject organized religion. They are part of what researchers call “religious nones.” Listeners called to share why they left organized religious institutions, and local faith leaders explored what the future of Christianity looks like in America.
Rural churches search for their place in a changing world
As much as the churches like Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Rollingstone, Minn. serve as a cornerstone of their community, the world around them is changing. It presents churches with new challenges as they define themselves and their futures.
Minneapolis church hosts Mass -- and legal clinic for immigrants
As federal authorities confirmed stepped-up immigration enforcement across the United States over the weekend, immigrants in Minnesota with legal status -- and those without -- said their fears were growing more real by the hour.
Vatican mystery over missing girl deepens as bones are found
The mystery of the 1983 disappearance of the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee took yet another twist Saturday following excavations this week at a Vatican City cemetery. The Vatican said it had discovered two sets of bones under a stone slab that will be formally opened next week.