Religion and Faith

Rabbi calls "spiritual progressives" to action
Rabbi Michael Lerner, author of "The Left Hand of God: Taking our Country Back from the Religious Right," thinks the time has come for a "spiritual progressive movement." He explained his vision in a speech Nov. 18 in Minneapolis.
In some Muslim eyes, another case of "Flying while Muslim"
The police report listed the incident as "Security-Other," but some saw the detention of imams at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as another case of "Flying while Muslim" - the sense that Muslims come in for extra scrutiny when they fly.
A new take on birthday gifts
A child's birthday party is supposed to be about celebration, but often for the kids it seems to be about the presents. For some parents, the way around that is to make the birthday gifts into birthday donations.
Faith and politics in the Muslim world
Reza Aslan, author of "No god but God," speaks Nov. 2 at the Westminster Town Hall Forum in downtown Minneapolis.
Speaking out for atheists
Richard Dawkins, best known for his book "The Selfish Gene," argues in his new book that a belief in God is irrational and harmful.
Minneapolis church at the forefront of a cutting-edge religious movement
For many people, the religious term evangelical has been taken over by those with conservative religious and political beliefs. Now one branch of the faithful say they can be progressive politically and evangelical at the same time.
Churches tie environment and faith
A growing number of Christian leaders in Minnesota and around the nation want their congregations to view changing a light bulb as an act of faith. They're telling their flocks to reduce their environmental footprint by using energy efficient lightbulbs, making use of wind generated power, driving less and walking more.
Can faith and politics coexist?
Left-leaning evangelical Jim Wallis talks about why both Democrats and Republicans miss the point when it comes to faith and solving the world's most pressing problem, poverty.
Speaking with Krista Tippett
Speaking of Faith host Krista Tippett talks about her most recent conversations with individuals who have unique perspectives on faith.