Religion and Faith

Officials at Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport are proposing stiffer penalties - including suspension of an airport taxi license - to Muslim cab drivers who refuse service to passengers toting alcohol or service dogs.
New Monasticism
A new generation of religious communities is springing up around the principles of "new monasticism," in which people live among and provide hospitality to those in need. Midmorning looks at how these communities work and their surprising influence on mainstream Christians.
The music heard in many Lutheran churches around the Twin Cities is changing as immigrants join congregations. An exhibit at the University of Minnesota explores the diverse music being mixed with the traditional Lutheran liturgy.
Money and moral balance
The malls are teeming with people. The mice are clicking merrily at online retailers. With the holiday shopping season entering its finishline dash, Speaking of Faith looks for ways to strike a balance between consumerism and the spirit of the season.
A new take on the mind-body connection
Author Matthew Sanford says paralysis and his subsequent career teaching yoga taught him how we all fail to be mindful of our bodies.
Hanukkah lights
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins Friday at sundown. By tradition to mark the occasion, Midday presents National Public Radio's "Hanukkah Lights" special featuring four short stories about Hanukkah and Jewish life.
Christianity and politics
He's the pastor of one of the Twin Cities' megachurches. Leith Anderson talks about what the 2006 midterm elections say about evangelicals and politics.
Muslims seek prayer room at Twin Cities airport
Their request follows the removal last week of a group of imams from a U.S. Airways flight in Minneapolis. The group had conducted their daily prayers in the airport terminal before boarding the plane.