Religion and Faith

The challenge of forgiveness
When both the Lockerbie bomber and disgraced quarterback Michael Vick were released back to society, some people were outraged. But one scientist suggests that we have evolved to forgive, alongside biblical traditions of redeeming sins.
Lutheran decision on gay clergy still pending
Tom Crann talks to John Brooks, the news director for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America communication services, about the decisions this week on whether member churches should be allowed to hire ministers in committed same-sex relationships as clergy.
Leaders of the country's largest Lutheran denomination have agreed to disagree on homosexuality, endorsing an official statement on human sexuality that says there's room in the church for differing views on an issue that's divided other religious groups.
The Evolution of  God
Award-winning journalist and author Robert Wright is out with a new book about how our conceptions of God have changed over the centuries. Wright spoke about his book, "The Evolution of God" at the 2009 Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado.
Lutherans reject supermajority requirement for gay clergy proposal
Leaders of the country's largest Lutheran denomination prayed for unity Monday as they waded into a weeklong debate over homosexuality and the clergy, while a rule change that would allow people in same-sex relationships to serve cleared its first hurdle.
Gays in the clergy
Evangelical Lutherans are gathering in Minneapolis to consider whether to permit gay and lesbian ministers to lead churches if they are in a committed relationship. Midmorning discusses the tension this issue has created regarding inclusion and unity among other mainline Protestant churches.
Debate divided on gay clergy in Lutheran church
Leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are in Minneapolis this week debating many issues, most notably whether or not to allow sexually active homosexuals in committed relationships to serve as clergy.
Lutherans prepare for big decision on gay clergy
The largest Lutheran denomination in the nation begins discussions today in Minneapolis on whether to lift a ban on gay and lesbian clergy who are not celibate. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, known as the ELCA, will debate whether clergy can be involved in committed, same-sex relationships.