Religion and Faith

ELCA feeling backlash from controversial vote on gay clergy
Just a month after the nation's largest Lutheran denomination voted to accept non-celibate gay clergy, a backlash is taking shape in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as some Minnesota congregations are considering plans to sever ties with the church.
Reza Aslan discusses Muslim identity
Scholar, best-selling author, and Iranian native Reza Aslan speaks at the Commonwealth Club of California about his new book, "How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization, and the End of the War on Terror."
Bishop Spong ponders eternity
Religious thinker John Shelby Spong tackles the question of whether there is life after death. And he begins by considering that Christianity's emphasis on eternal life may be wrong.
Spirituality and the films of Joel and Ethan Coen
When you think of a Coen brothers movie you might think of murder or dark humor. Religion columnist Cathleen Falsani thinks there are deep moral truths embedded in most of Joel and Ethan Coen's work, including the films Blood Simple, Fargo and The Big Lebowski.
The role of compassion in religion today
Acclaimed religion writer Karen Armstrong speaks at the Chautauqua lecture series about the role of compasssion in the world's great religions.
ELCA delegates make last stand against gay clergy
Opponents made a last stand today against a proposal to allow sexually active gays and lesbians in committed relationships to serve as clergy in the nation's largest Lutheran denomination.
Leaders of the country's largest Lutheran denomination are set to decide whether gay and lesbian pastors in committed relationships should be allowed to lead individual congregations.